Consequential Loss Insurance

This policy is suitable for business concern to whom business interruption would mean heavy monetary loss in view of huge fixed costs levels.

What it covers:

This class of insurance is designed to provide cover for expenses and increased cost of working as a result of business interruption following a loss covered by the fire policy. Insurance cover can be taken for the maximum period (Indemnity period) of the anticipated interruption in the event of loss of:

  • Net Profit which would have been earned but for the incident
  • Standing charges such as rent, rates, taxes, loans, interests, bank charges and the likes which may still be payable even though the business may be more or less at a stand still
  • Increased or Extra expenses incurred with a view of reducing the continued loss of net profit such as wages of skilled and/or extra staff, cost of alternative or temporary accommodation, advertisement, etc.
  • Auditor’s Fees in assisting in the preparation of the claim.

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